Saturday, January 26, 2008

I pledge allegiance to the flag...

I came across this video on YouTube and wow... hold on, I just got something stuck in my eye... (deep breaths)...
I just love our Military. I doubt anyone from our armed forces will see my blog, or this post, but I want to express how appreciative I am of their great service and hard work fighting with their lives to protect us from those absolute cowards.
If you see a veteran or an active duty soldier, step out of your comfort 'bubble' and shake their hand or give them a hug so they know how much their sacrifices mean to us. God bless the USA.


Jill said...

Ok, I cried too but it was mostly a sympathy cry cuz you cried.

But dont get me started on how poorly we treat our vets. It's disgusting.

the cummard family said...


amberbuck said...

amen brother.

Also congrats on the conception.

Smith Crew said...

Gotta love those inspirational beer-endorced commercials :) I enjoyed that very much. Thanks for making me tear up for the 11th time today.

Anonymous said...

yeah, I didn't see that beer ad until I had watched it for the 4th time. Oops! Oh well.