Our sister-in-law/photographer Harmony took this 'funny face' group shot with her nice DSLR (and the one with Oliver, by himself).
Shmee-lie Bee-lie and smally-Olly. If you know Oliver, you can actually hear him saying "EEEEEE" (for "cheeeeese") as we take this picture. Food in his mouth and all. Unfortunately for Elijah, I passed down my Chinese smiling eyes. I would say Elijah had the most fun out of anyone. The kid was in the water 80% of the time, no joke.
We eat at this fish place in town, the few times we've gone to Rocky Point. I don't remember what it is called, and that is unimportant anyway. We order this fish and just peel the meat right off and make fish tacos. It's real good. This is the place the kids presented the most struggle. Oy vey. I can still remember the headache.