Monday, August 04, 2008


Finals week(s) are upon me and it seems like we are having a ton of stuff BREAK on us lately. Sentra radiator, Maxima tires, faucets, sinks, shower, TV, backyard grass-now-desert landscaping, etc, etc. Liz and I are done with buying 80's, DIY, fixer-upper houses. Anyone seen that old movie Moneypit with with Tom Hanks? Sheesh! If it aint one thing, it's surely the other.
Here are pictures of my so far vain attempt to fix our TV.


Jill said...

Word to your mom. We hate our house too.

Anonymous said...

OK Doc. Where in the world did you learn how to fix a TV? What the heck kind of dental school you at anyway? Did you try changing the remote bateries before you tore the thing apart?


M. G. said...

Oh, so sad the life of the student/family. I remember naming it Gordon Luck. Like Murphy's only worse. Hang in there it does get easier and less overwhelming. I used to tell Darrin that we couldn't ever have money in our savings account because as soon as we did something broke and cost exactly that amount to fix. Now I know that we were blessed to have that money each time we needed it. I will sigh for you.

the cummard family said...

i bet p could fix it. he's amazing with that kind of stuff.