Sunday, August 31, 2008


Oliver Steven Wolfington; born this, the 31st day in the blistering month of August, 2008. Born 8lbs 19.5 inches, with the labor lasting a mere 2 hours from 11pm to 1am. Did I mention he has BLONDE hair? Yep, light skin, and blonde hair. He's a beautiful little baby boy; equaled only by his two older brothers Elijah and Noah (parental bias...sorry). Elizabeth is doing really well, and Oli is healthy. Life is good!

Monday, August 25, 2008

So today is Liz's original due date and... nothing. No baby yet. We are both ready, but I guess he's just a little too cozy in there.
I'm half way through my two week break after another semester down.
Picture #2 of in my continuing "future DMD" series of photos. This is Elijah wearing "daddy's gasses".

Our latest trip to In-n-out. We decorated Elijah's face with the stickers they pass out to kids. He just lets us mess with him. It's fun.

This was so funny. We have been going on bike rides more and more as the weather gets bearable in the evenings. So we were going over to swim at a house in our ward and I saw Elijah kind of slumped forward a bit, doing some wicked head bobbing (you know when you're really tired). It was so funny. I put a towel next to him and layed him on it and he was OUT. It's the first time he has fallen asleep in his bike trailer.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mr. Fix it

Ok, so Steven never could fix the TV, however he does save us a lot of money around the house w/ his well rounded handyman skills. If he doesn't know how to fix it he looks it up on the computer. He remodeled our whole kitchen going off rented DIY library books. Impressive, eh? (Just don't ask how long it took).

Steve got up super early to fix the car and avoid the heat. This job, like most, was successful. And yes, he really did spray me.

Looking sexy in the toolbelt. He just fixed our plumbing problems this weekend.

I'm less than two weeks away from the due date! Just waddling around. Wish me luck.

I love this pic. The stroller is a hand me down from Eli's friend but he added his own touch.

Trying to keep cool here in the desert by swimming at the YMCA... a regular occurance. Steven, Elijah, and his buddy Luke.

Eli and Dex sniffin around at the dog park a few weeks ago.

Monday, August 11, 2008

he's all BOY

An unmistakable display of boyhood. Girls put on make-up, and boys make fart noises... period. Elijah discovered this on his own without any provocation on our part. It was pretty hilarious. It’s funny to see him realize he needs to dry his arm off to get maximum sound, and then when he is laughing and smiling so much he can’t get a good seal on his arm to make the noise.

Monday, August 04, 2008


Finals week(s) are upon me and it seems like we are having a ton of stuff BREAK on us lately. Sentra radiator, Maxima tires, faucets, sinks, shower, TV, backyard grass-now-desert landscaping, etc, etc. Liz and I are done with buying 80's, DIY, fixer-upper houses. Anyone seen that old movie Moneypit with with Tom Hanks? Sheesh! If it aint one thing, it's surely the other.
Here are pictures of my so far vain attempt to fix our TV.