The trip was a success! It was friggin' HOT!! My scrub top was drenched everyday. We were able to see a ton of patients. Muchas gracias again to those who were able to donate to my trip (I'll be sending some personal packages in the mail in the next few days).
This is a car dealership in the capital city Santo Domingo. I'm sure it's just a shell of a truck... but it's still pretty cool to see.
This is the crew from UNLV.
Motorcycle taxis were everywhere. I drove one in the mountains a few days after I snapped this picture. This picture was taken just outside the hotel we stayed at in Santo Domingo.
Some cute kiddos in front of their casa. It was definitely 3rd world.
Santo Domingo Temple. It was muy, muy bonita.
Resemble anyone famous? This dude was awesome. He had already been told he looked like Pres. Obama. He was one of the few who showed real gratitude after we worked on him.
Barack in his late 20's. This guy was also very thankful for the dental work done for him.
The last sunset. This was taken in Punta Cana. We stayed here the last 3 nights of the trip. Most of us got sunburns and some kind of viral flu (possible H1N1) which I am still recovering from.